Saturday, August 8, 2009

According to the God of the Jews, Jehovah (Lucifer), it is ok to step on the creative genius of Steven Spielberg is this serves the state of Zion

This is the same psychopathic moral philosophy of the Third Reich that practiced the daughter of God religion while Lucifer was confined in spiritual space. There is no Confucius thought in Judaism, there is no Confucius sense of equality in the moral philosophy of Judaism. There is no Constitution in Judaism that creates equal rights for its citizens of the world. If American democracy was a role model created by God to serve as a model for the world, this democracy has been destroyed by the corrupt dictatorship of Judaism and Zionism and the despot God Jehovah.

If Jehovah was the only God in the world during the Nazi holocaust, the Jews would call Jehovah a gold tooth god. Jehovah's Serial Killer Magic Show in Las Vegas will last for how many more days, how many more months, how many more years. Worse case scenario, it last for three more years. How many spiritual soldiers of Confucius or Amenhotep III will Jehovah kill before his time is up in America?