Thursday, August 6, 2009

Betting the World: The World Bet

The best bet on the table for Wrong Way Betters or Right Way betters is the World Bet. This Bet is used to protect the RIGHT WAY better from CRAPS on the initial roll out. How much money should the better use to protect his roll out position from being wiped out. The math is simple. For every $5 bet on the LINE, you should bet 2 dollars on the WORLD. This makes a $25 dollar bet at the line optimal--a ten dollar bet.

Lets Look at the Payout on a World Bet.

11: $30 Plus the $50 if you bet the Pass Line. $80 ($88)

12: $60 Minus the $50 if you bet the Pass Line: $10 ($11)

2: $60 Minus the $50 if you bet the Pass Line: $10

3: $30 Minus the $50 if you bet the Pass Line: $10

7: Is Push, Zero Payout, but it keeps your bet alive on the next roll. (a 9 percent advantage)

Two thirds of the time, your $10 World Bet Does not collect the payoff for making a World Bet.
How much would you be willing to spend to collect $60 for rolling an eleven on the come out roll. At true odds, you would pay $5 to make the bet, but you also have the bet on the next roll, so the actual cost of the bet to the better is about $7.33 cents.

The same holds true for the whole $10 World Bet. The casino is only going to make about fifty cents (FIFTY CENTS) on the World bet over the long haul. That gives it about a 2.5 percent advantage against the shooter.

Where the Worlds Bet really shines is when you bet against the Shooter. Most of the time the Casino is betting against the shooter. When Elevens, Craps, and Sevens are raining down from heaven, the Casino Gods are happy.

Bet the Do Not Pass Line

Make a $25 bet. Make a $10 dollar World Bet

Make Place Bets on all of five non-point numbers: 5 (6) dollars once the point has been made.

If you think that the point will have a high probability of success, place a bet on the point.

Remember, once the point has been made, the odds are against making the point. As was mentioned in another post, the odds are greater than 3 to 2 against you making the point. Unless the table is really hot, you can bet the system and play the game against making the point.

GOOD LUCK and Remember:


24 and God are on your side